I’ll be the first to admit – losing weight is tough – especially finding a weight loss strategy that works. After many years of searching for the ‘best’ and ‘quickest’ ways to lose weight, I have come to the conclusion that no fad diet nor any trendy workout will help you keep your weight down for good.
The best way to lose weight as I have realized is to make small lifestyle changes that have a big impact on my overall health. Here are 5 simple but effective changes you can make today to start losing weight immediately – and they can be utilized for people of all lifestyles.

1. Drink more water.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but many people overlook this simple change in habit. Drinking eight glasses of water daily helps keep you away from snack foods. When you drink a glass of water before each meal, you’ll feel fuller more quickly. When your stomach feels full, you’re less inclined to reach for an extra plate of food.

2. Follow the 80/20 rule.

This rule is fairly simple – 80 percent of the time you focus on eating clean, good-for-you foods, and 20 percent of the time you have the freedom to indulge as you please. Don’t be concerned about the math, because it’s that simple: if you eat three square meals a day, three of those meals every week are your 20 percent cheat meals; if you eat five small meals a day, then seven of those small meals are up for grabs.
I especially like this rule as it has taught me about balance and moderation – a concept that never exists in any fad diet. When you practice 80/20, you have the ‘freedom’ to go out socially and enjoy a meal and a cocktail! More importantly, it makes the whole clean-living thing feel doable for the long run.

3. Eat the same types of food.

When you eat the same kinds of food daily, you’ll be less inclined to overeat. This is because when confronted with a wide variety of foods (for example, high-fat foods at restaurants), you’re more likely to overeat – which results in you gaining weight. Stick to specific types of meals when you’re trying to shed pounds. When you want to mix things up, try adding variety to your diet with new fruits and veggies.

4. Make exercise fun.

Working out has always been a chore for me – I find getting up and going to the gym to be very tedious. If you’re like me, then find something physical that you enjoy and you’ll likely to stick to it. It can be walking, bike riding, taking your dog for a run, joining a salsa class or even hot sweaty sex. When you enjoy a physical activity, you shed pounds without feeling like you’re being forced to work out.
5. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

We’ve all heard the saying that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just like it took you months and years to put on the excess weight, it will therefore take some time to lose it. Having said that, however, there are a number of neat that—if you consistently put into action—can kick-start the get-skinny process and help you lose weight in as little as 2 weeks. Yes, it is that quick, really, no joke. So, let’s get going.

1. Don’t cut, just switch

Many people, especially us women think cutting carbs is the be-all end-all weight-loss answer, but your body needs them to do its job and burn calories. The trick is to cut the refined bad carbs—sugar, white flour, starchy veggies like potatoes—and incorporate reduced amounts of healthy sources like veggies and legumes. But if you’re still looking to cut, then cut sugar—cutting sugar will reduce calories, lower your insulin levels and stimulate fat loss.

2. Load up on fiber

While watching your carbs, ensure you’re getting plenty of fiber in the form of leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, berries, celery, and mushrooms. This helps effectively eliminate waste so it’s not sticking around in your gut.

3. Get warm and tingly

Drink warm lemon water first thing every morning to prime your metabolism for the day. This will support detoxification and keep you regular. If you can handle it, try adding a pinch of cayenne and watch the fat burn.

4. Get fresh, steamy and crunchy

Cut back on meat and grains for the next 2 weeks and fill your plate with steamed, roasted, grilled, sautรฉed, or stewed veggies which are packed with nutrients and will keep you full. Liven them up with various cooking oils and spices.

5. Avoid processed foods

You’ll avoid unnecessary calories from white flour, desserts, candy, soda, and dairy that offers little nutritional value, and also also the sodium that makes you all bloated and retain excess water.

6. Double up your movements

Your workouts don’t have to be long, you could do 20 minutes of cardio in the morning and some dumbbell exercises on lunch break or after dinner – but it must be done daily. The more quick workouts you can fit in, from 4-minute Tabata exercises to a 30 minute abdominal class, the better. Also, take the stairs whenever possible instead of using an elevator. You’ve heard it before, but simple changes like this are a great way to get incidental exercise, and burn calories without planning a workout.

7. Sweat, sweat, sweat

Enjoy a bit of luxury “me time” in the hot tub or steam room and lose weight at the same time. Steaming and sweating will help to rid your body of toxins and water weight, plus it’s good for your skin!

8. Drink only water

You can have some coffee or tea before a workout for some extra energy. But no sports drinks, juice, or soda – they all have sugar. Spice up your water with sliced cucumber, mint leaves, belly-busting blueberries, lemon, or even fresh ginger. Plus, drink a glass of water before each meal to feel fuller and to avoid overeating. While water doesn’t have a magical fat-burning property, being hydrated can stop overeating, as many people confuse thirst with hunger.

9. Don’t set the alarm

Sleep is the cornerstone of losing weight because of its impact it has on your hormones that affects fat storage and fat burning. The more sleep you get, the better your fat burning hormones work—as simple as it can get.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Slimming down doesn’t happen overnight, but it doesn’t have to consume your life either.
There are easier ways to lose that annoying ecxess weight than endlessly counting calories, watching every mouthful, avoiding restaurants, or spending hours at the gym.
Keep reading for 8 simple ways to enhance your fat-loss efforts and bid your belly rolls adieu.

1. Take advantage of your cup of Joe

Let your morning coffee fuel your sweat session. Consuming caffeine an hour before you hit the gym diminishes how tired you feel so you can work out harder and longer, found British researchers. Athletes who consumed 5 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per kilogram (kg) of body weight were able to perform more reps than those who didn’t. They also felt less muscle pain during and after the exercise.

2. Use interval training

Want to crush cravings? Intense intervals might make you eat less, reports new Australian research. Women who completed a sprint session consumed fewer calories during the following 38 hours than those who completed a continuous workout at moderate intensity, the researchers found. Intense exercise suppresses ghrelin, a hunger-stimulating hormone.

3. Dial up your intensity

Even if you feel like you’re killing it at the gym, it might not be enough. Only 5 percent of people correctly gauged how hard they worked during a high-intensity routine, while everyone else overestimated their efforts, according to recent research at the University of Toronto. In other words, most people think they’re going all out, but they’re really working at a moderate or even light intensity. High-intensity exercise calls for your heart rate to be between 77 and 83 percent of your maximum heart rate. That’s why you should wear a heart rate monitor during workouts. It let’s you know if you’re working your hardest and burning as many calories as possible.
To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from the number 220. For example, if you’re 30 years old, your maximum heart rate should be 190 beats per minute. During a high-intensity workout, your heart rate should be between 146 and 158 beats per minute.

4. Snack smart

You don’t have to skip a snack to lose weight—you just need to choose the right snack. Researchers found that people who ate a snack containing 26 grams (g) of protein felt fuller and were less likely to snack later in the day, particularly on unhealthy foods high in sugar and fat.

5. Indulge on the weekends

When trying to drop pounds, put in the majority of effort from Monday to Friday. Due to the combination of social outings and a natural, weekly weight-loss cycle, you’re more likely to gain weight on the weekends and lose weight during the week.
It’s when you don’t take advantage of your weekdays that you’ll find yourself avoiding the scale. So go ahead and enjoy that chocolate dessert with your girlfriend this weekend—just make sure you have plans to get back on track come Monday.

6. Work your biggest assets

If you want to burn a ton of calories in less time at the gym, make sure you hit your lower body. Big muscles like your glutes, quads, and hamstrings take more energy to recover than your smaller muscles. Because of this, you’ll burn calories long after you leave the gym—while you’re in the car, sitting on the couch, or sleeping.

7. Decode your dishware

The color of your plate may decrease your waistline. Eating off bright red plates can help you consume less. You’re more likely to associate the color red with the command “stop,” which causes you to finish your meal before you normally would using a plate of a different hue, according to the researchers.
Other studies have found that your plate size can also affect how much you eat. Plus-size plates can cause your eyes to override your stomach, so switch to smaller plates that are no bigger than 10 1/2 inches when trying to lose weight. The same portions will look much bigger when heaped on the smaller dish.

8. Stick to a plan

Should you cut carbs or cut fats? Should you eat 7 meals a day or only eat 3? Sorting through the myriad of diets will make your head spin. But it turns out that as long as you stick to one healthy-eating plan, you can increase your chances of losing weight.
Researchers at the University of Toronto analyzed the results of more than 7,000 overweight and obese women who followed either low-carb and low-fat diets. After 6 months, the low-carb group lost 19 pounds more and the low-fat group lost 17 pounds more than those who didn’t follow a diet at all.
But by the end of the year, both diet groups lost the same amount of weight—which was still significantly greater than the group that didn’t stick to a plan.
The key: Consistency. 
Pick a diet that fits within your lifestyle, and adhere to it for the best results.
One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Can this really be done?
Is there a plan that will really subtract up to 7 pounds from your body in seven days — without starvation, bizarre supplements, or cutting out entire food groups?
The quick answer is ‘yes’.
It all boils down to making small sacrifices and employing specific techniques.
And rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all regimen, we figure you’re more likely to stick with the plan if you pick the eating and exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.
So choose at least four of the nutritionist and fitness expert-backed tips that follow, and vow to work them into your schedule for seven days straight. If you feel ambitious, tack on a few more.
The more you pick, the more weight you’ll lose. If you start now, by this time next week, you’ll look and feel way lighter.

1. Drink Mainly Water

A serving of sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer can contain about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don’t satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they’re a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.
Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it’s just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.

2. Stop Eating White Bread and Pasta (and also whole wheat)

Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls — will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating, especially around your belly. “Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they’re digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later,” says Jane Messer, M.D., author of The Upper East Side Nutrition Menu.
To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week. This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip. The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer. And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.

3. Do Cardio 30 Minutes a Day

\Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you’ll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, says Gillian Lindy, personal-training manager at Crunch’s Polk Street gym, in San Francisco.
Three to consider: spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts. Half an hour of each torches 200 to 300 calories while toning up your arms, legs, and core so everything appears sleeker and tighter.
You’ll burn even more calories per session if your workout incorporates interval training: alternating short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity. Experts aren’t sure why it works, but trainers swear by it.

4. Drink Coffee an Hour Before Working Out

This is the one exception to the stick-to-water-only rule: Just as a coffee run makes your morning at work more productive, a pre-exercise cup of java with a splash of skim milk (about 11 calories) or black (just 5 calories) will energize your workout, explains Dr. Messer. “You’ll burn more calories without realizing you’re pushing yourself harder.”

5. Have Nightly You-on-Top Sex

Not that you needed an excuse to hook up with your guy every night, but the fact is, this position is a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking, and the more active you are, the more calories you burn — up to 144 for 30 minutes.
Sex also pumps levels of feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, helping you ride out food cravings. Get on top in reverse-cowgirl (i.e., facing away from your guy) to give your thigh and butt muscles an extra push.

6. Do 36 Push-Ups and Lunges Every Other Day

These gym-class staples will help sculpt muscle, so you’ll sport a more streamlined appearance. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise every other day. “Push-ups target your upper body, while lunges work your butt, hips, and thighs,” says Lindy. Quick tip: Make sure your back and legs remain in a straight line during your push-ups; it’ll improve muscle tone. Also, you can build even more muscle with the lunges if you hold free weights in each hand while doing them.

7. Sleep 30 Minutes More a Night

That extra half an hour, whether you sleep 5 hours or 8, can refresh you enough that you will make better food choices (in other words, no quick sugar fix for breakfast in search of energy) and won’t feel lethargic and skip the gym, says registered dietician Esther Blum, author of Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous. More restful sleep (7 to 8 hours is best) also boosts your metabolism. And since your body builds muscle while you snooze, getting zzz’s equals better muscle tone.

8. Make One Food Sacrifice

Cutting out one indulgence — such as the chips you have with lunch or the chocolate dessert you eat after dinner — can subtract a few hundred calories from your diet, which translates into less flab, says Messer. “Your body won’t even notice their absence.”

9. Eat Salmon for Lunch

It’s packed with nutrients that build muscle tone and give your skin a healthy glow. Some nutritionists claim that consuming a portion (doesn’t matter how it’s cooked) may immediately make your face look a bit more contoured.

10. Stand Up Straight

Keeping your spine rigid and your shoulders back while sucking in your belly toward your spine gives you a slimmer, more streamlined middle.

11. Do Squats and Sit-Ups

Bodybuilders use this technique before competitions because it adds definition to muscle. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise to tighten your abs, butt, and legs temporarily.

12. Pop an Antigas Pill

Take one of these chewable tablets, sold over-the-counter at drugstores, to relieve bloating in your abdomen and break up gas bubbles in your digestive track, leaving you with a flatter tummy.
13. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

There are ways you can beat the flab and improve the way you feel when time is of the essence — and you don’t have to starve yourself, invest in unsafe weight loss supplements, or double up on workouts to achieve results.
Instead, try this flexible approach that lets you pick from weight-loss tips that work but won’t completely ruin or disrupt your life.
Choose at least four of the follow time tested weight loss tips, and work them into your schedule for fourteen days straight. If you feel ambitious, tack on a few more. The more changes you make, the more weight you can expect to lose between now and the end of two weeks.

1. Drink only water

A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don’t satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they’re a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.
Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And, strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jumpstart your metabolism. If water is too boring for you, add lemon wedges or mint leaves using an infuser.

2. Skip Refined Carbs, Eat Veggies Instead

The simple carbs in white rice, spaghetti, and sandwich rolls can wreak havoc on your weight because they’re digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later.
Instead of replacing these foods with healthier whole-grain bread products, which contain filling fibers that can sometimes trigger bloating, sub in vegetables for the 2 weeks—instead of rice, try cauliflower “rice” made by grating cauliflower. And instead of chips and dip, go for carrots and dip.
The complex carbs from vegetables are also digested more slowly than simple carbs , so you’ll remain full longer. And because veggies are mostly water, they help flush out excess water weight.

3. Do Cardio For At Least 30 Minutes A Day

Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you’ll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously.
Three cardio heavy workout to consider to get your metabolism revving and fat burning: spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts. Half an hour of each torches 200 to 300 calories while toning up your arms, legs, and core so everything appears sleeker and tighter.
You’ll burn even more calories per session if your workout incorporates interval training: alternating short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity.

4. Drink Coffee An Hour Before Your Workout Session

This is the one exception to the stick-to-water-only rule: Just as a coffee run makes your morning at work more productive, a pre-exercise cup of java with a splash of skim milk (about 11 calories) or black (just 5 calories) will energize your workout. You’ll burn more calories without realizing you’re pushing yourself harder.

5. Have On Top Of Him Sex Every Night

Not that you needed an excuse to hook up with your guy every night, but the fact is, this position is a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking, and the more active you are, the more calories you burn.
Sex also pumps levels of feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, helping you ride out food cravings. Get on top in reverse-cowgirl (i.e., facing away from your guy) to give your thigh and butt muscles an extra push (and deeper pleasure).

6. Do One Hundred Squats Everyday

This gym-class staple will help sculpt muscle, so you’ll sport a more streamlined appearance. Do a set of 50 squats as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before you sleep. Squats work your core, butt, hips, and thighs. Remember, as you build stronger muscles with the squats, add some free weights (if you don’t have weights, use large detergent bottles) to keep you challenged and away from the dreaded plateau.

7. Sleep for an extra 30 minutes a day

That extra half an hour, whether you sleep 5 hours or 8, can refresh you enough that you will make better food choices (in other words, no quick sugar fix for breakfast in search of energy) and won’t feel lethargic and skip the gym. More restful sleep (7 to 8 hours is best) also boosts your metabolism. And because your body builds muscle while you snooze, getting zzz’s equals better muscle tone.

8. Make one food sacrifice a day

Cutting out one indulgence — such as the chips you have with lunch or the chocolate dessert you eat after dinner — can subtract a few hundred calories from your diet, which translates into less flab. Believe it or not, tour body won’t even notice their absence.

9. Eat More Salmon

It’s packed with nutrients that build muscle tone and give your skin a healthy glow. Some nutritionists claim that consuming a portion (doesn’t matter how it’s cooked) may immediately make your face look a bit more contoured.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

In theory, we all that to lose weight fast, we all have to just burn more calories than we take in.
But anyone who’s tried to lose weight fast knows that reality can and have always worked against us (otherwise we won’t be finding ways to lose weight fast).
In reality, life gets in the way such that we would feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals.
But fret not, you can still lose weight fast if you want to.
You just need to have the proper strategies in place to do it.
So, I’m going to share with you my 10 step plan to lose weight fast—and keeping it off for good.
Try them this week and you could see yourself 10 pounds lighter in the next 7 days.

1. Make a plan.

Successful long-term weight loss comes from a combination of nourishing diet and healthy exercise.
Outline the specific steps you need to achieve your ideal weight.
For example, one specific step might be to walk 30 minutes extra a day.

2. Visualize success.

The world’s best athletes envision themselves performing perfect techniques, a strategy that primes their body for success.
Do the same by visualizing how you want to look and feel after weight loss.
If it helps, post inspirational pics or phrases around the house.

3. Create a positive environment.

You probably will need to do some house cleaning to help you on your journey.
Dig into the pantry to clean out calorie-filled processed snacks, and free up your fridge from whole milk dairy, processed meats, and other high-calorie food traps.

4. Keep a journal.

Building self-awareness is a key weight loss strategy.
Keep a food and exercise diary where you can track exactly what you’re doing and when.
One of the smartest steps for getting to your ideal weight is to take a primer on portion sizes.

5. Learn about proper portions.

Don’t sink your quest to be healthy with ginormous portion sizes.

6. Schedule exercise.

From meetings to doctor’s appointments, you already make it a habit to schedule what’s important.
Your weight and health are just as important so put exercise on your calendar—and make that commitment to yourself.

7. Eat mindfully.

Each time the you want to eat something, drink a glass of water.
Then ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If the answer is “no,” then take the hand out of that bag of nuts and find something else do.
Whether it’s taking a walk or writing in a journal that you ‘escaped’ mindless eating at 2pm.

8. Get a fat buddy.

It can be tough to reach and maintain ideal weight on your own.
Team up with a like-minded friend (or connect with someone in the same boat online) so you can provide support and encouragement to each other.

9. Commit long-term.

Maintaining ideal weight can only happen with lifestyle change.
All too often, we shed pounds, do a victory dance and dive right back into bad habits.
Make this time the time that sticks.
Celebrate for a second and continue with the healthy journey.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

In theory, we all that to lose weight fast, we all have to just burn more calories than we take in. But anyone who’s tried to lose weight fast knows that reality can and have always worked against us (otherwise we won’t be finding ways to lose weight fast).
In reality, life gets in the way such that we would feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals.
But fret not, you can still lose weight fast if you want to. You just need to have the proper strategies in place to do it.
So, I’m going to share with you my 10 step plan to lose weight fast—and keeping it off for good. Try them this week and see yourself lighter by next.

1. Make a plan.

Successful long-term weight loss comes from a combination of nourishing diet and healthy exercise. Outline the specific steps you need to achieve your ideal weight. For example, one specific step might be to walk 30 minutes extra a day.

2. Visualize success.

The world’s best athletes envision themselves performing perfect techniques, a strategy that primes their body for success. Do the same by visualizing how you want to look and feel after weight loss. If it helps, post inspirational pics or phrases around the house.

3. Create a positive environment.

You probably will need to do some house cleaning to help you on your journey. Dig into the pantry to clean out calorie-filled processed snacks, and free up your fridge from whole milk dairy, processed meats, and other high-calorie food traps. 

4. Keep a journal.

Building self-awareness is a key weight loss strategy. Keep a food and exercise diary where you can track exactly what you’re doing and when.

5. Learn about proper portions.

Don’t sink your quest to be healthy with ginormous portion sizes. One of the smartest steps for getting to your ideal weight is to take a primer on portion sizes.

6. Schedule exercise.

From meetings to doctor’s appointments, you already make it a habit to schedule what’s important. Your weight and health are just as important so put exercise on your calendar—and meet that commitment to yourself. 

7. Eat mindfully.

Each time the you want to eat something, drink a glass of water. Then ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If the answer is “no,” then take the hand out of that bag of nuts and find something else do, whether it’s taking a walk or writing in a journal that you ‘escaped’ mindless eating at 2pm.

8. Get a fat buddy.

It can be tough to reach and maintain ideal weight on your own. Team up with a like-minded friend so you can provide support and encouragement to each other.

9. Commit long-term.

Maintaining ideal weight can only happen with lifestyle change. All too often, we shed pounds, do a victory dance and dive right back into bad habits. Make this time the time that sticks. Celebrate for a second and continue with the healthy journey.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.